Hitting the wide open road for an adventure in your caravan is always fun, it’s just the packing and unpacking that can be a drag. With weights and space a high consideration for all of us campers, we share a few handy packing hacks that we have learnt over the years travelling in our Jayco caravan.
We’d love you to share your ideas in the comments below too, we love this stuff and any help to get the most out of living in a small space is always appreciated.
Heres our top Caravan Packing Hacks:
• Non-slip matting
Lining the shelves with non-slip matting is always handy to ensure items stay put when on the go.
• Use small containers
We like to use small, light weight containers throughout the van to make sure nothing moves around and stays in it’s dedicated space.
• Store heavier items down low
When packing shelves, we like to keep the heavy items down the bottom to keep the weight in the caravan low. And, if anything does fall out, nothing heavy can hit you in the head.

• Fill the fridge Shelves
We like to use small containers again in the fridge for the condiments to stop them from moving around. It’s best not to have half empty shelves, as items may rattle, spill and make one hot mess! If the fridge is getting a little low on stock it’s best to combine items onto the one shelf and/or door bay.

• Remove the microwave plate when travelling
It’s a good idea to take the plate out of the microwave to save it from moving about when driving. We then use the empty microwave space to store our loaves of bread . We also pop any flatbread and wraps into the oven to store on the shelves, just don’t forget they are there.

• Pack away the TV
To save any possible damage while travelling we like to take the TV off its bracket and store it under the pillows on our bed keeping it safe and snug.

• Use Velcro
We use velcro on the back of our TV and Air Conditioner remotes to store them on the wall. Double sided velcro tape is also good for wrapping around things to keep them snug, such as the sliding shower screen.

• Hooks, hooks and more hooks
We hang our hats and keys and bits ‘n’ bobs throughout the van using all a variety of 3M hooks.

• Stackable Pots and Pans
Wherever possible we like to save on space using stackable pots and pans and anything that’s collapsable.

• Pop your wine glass in a Stubby cooler
If you are like me and want to travel in style with a real wine glass, store it in a stubby cooler for safekeeping.

• Shelves in the wardrobe
We removed the hanging rod in our van wardrobe and installed shelving instead to ensure we utilise all the space.
• Bin in the sink when driving
When travelling we pop the bin in the sink along with the washing up do-dads.

• Remove ladder from bunks
Our van has a detachable bunk ladder, we like to pack it away to avoid it falling off and causing possible damage.
• Vacuum cleaner under the bed
When travelling full time, we installed our Dyson vacuum stick under the lip of the master bed. This allowed us to plug it in while in it’s place to charge. We highly recommend having a stick vacuum in your caravan, it. is. the. BEST!

• Shower head off and supplies away
We always take the time to remove the shower head from it’s hook and pop it into a tub on the floor along with all the shampoos etc. to save any damage when tackling those bumping tracks.

• Store shoes in a tub under bed
We like to keep all our shoes in a bucket under the main bed for easy access.

Well guys, that’s a few of our hacks. If you have any more to add, pop them in the comments below we’d love to hear them and share with others.
Cheers guys, we’ll see you out there.
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Just wondering how you added the shelving as extra storage? Where did you source the materials to match existing?
Thank you. 🙏
Loved these packing hacks! We’re actually taking our first caravan trip next month and I was panicking about what to bring, but this post has given me so many great ideas. Can’t wait to sort out our storage space and hit the road!
I loved this post! We’re planning our first ever caravan trip and were feeling a bit overwhelmed with what to pack. Your tips have given me so much more confidence to prep everything properly. The idea of rolling your clothes is genius – can’t believe I never thought of that!