I recently enjoyed 8 days in Outback Australia on a property 12 hours drive from Sydney, near Bourke, Western New South Wales.
As a family tradition, my dad and I have enjoyed these adventures for over 25 years! To be away from the daily hustle and bustle of the city and crowds is good for the soul. Being mid Winter here in Australia, the days are crisp and clear but once the sun goes down temperatures can plummet below zero, but this only adds to the outback camping experience.
There is something special about this annual escape where Dad and I simply slow down and unplug from modern life. Getting back to nature, we spend our nights gazing at the stars and sleeping in swags, while by day we explore the rusty red country and cook on camp fires.
Kangaroos keep a close eye on us as we pass by, Major Mitchell Cockatoos squawk in the trees and lizards scurry at our presence. We catch Yabbies from the dams to eat for lunch, we collect firewood to heat the water for the showers and the kitchen and we chat or ride motorbikes to pass the time. Living simply is such a relaxing way of life but unfortunately such a foreign idea to most people stuck in the groove of modern life. Away from noise and bright lights the calm of the evening morphs effortlessly into a good nights sleep, something much needed as a father of 2 young kids.
Thankyou !